If you are interest to IT, Apple technologies or developing iOS apps, you really must download this app. With this app you can read most popular webs from IT world. And all is sorted in three categories.
- 9to5mac.com
- theverge.com
- techcrunch.com
- gizmodo.com
- thenextweb.com
- wired.com
- digitaltrends.com
- engadget.com
- tech2.com
- mashable.com
- techradar.com
- swiftsandbox.com
- iosdevweekly.com
- realm.io
- appcoda.com
- iosdev.tools
- raywenderlich.com
- iosdevelopertips.com
- cocoacontrols.dev
- scotthurff.com
- imore.com
- macworld.com
- iphonelife.com
- ilounge.com
- appleinsider.com
- macrumors.com
- isource.com
- cultofmac.com